Well my first Mother's Day was great! "The kids" (or Justin really) got me a very nice pair of tennis shoes AND a Kitchen Aid mixer!!!!! I was SOOOOOOOOOO excited! I have wanted one FOREVER!!! I took my mom out to lunch for mother's day with my brother and Justin took the kids to his mom's and I met up with them later. All in all it was a great day. I haven't written in a while b/c we have been so busy trying to get things ready to move. I
think we will get to move in this weekend. I CANT WAIT!! On Friday Justin and I took the wallpaper down in the kitchen. It was dreadful! It had been up for over 10 years and was NOT coming down. SO we decided to sand what was left and just paint over it. Not a good idea. We decided to paint it red and it has taken 3 coats and could use another! We'll see how it turns out.
I don't have any pictures of mother's day but I will post some random ones from over the weekend.
Justin's new favorite toy.

Ayva's new favorite toy. It is a bear with chewie hands and feet and it says
"I love you this much".

This is how I found Anna sleeping on Friday morning.

And this is how I found Ayva sleeping on Friday morning. Her poor little legs were stuck inbetween the slats of the bed! :(

happy mother's day!
Happy Belated Mother's Day!
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