Hi all. I have been a serious slacker in the blog department. 3 year old triplets and a 9 month old keep me really busy. I will update you all on what's happened since I stopped writing and then hopefully I will keep it updated.
The big girls started school last week! They are already doing so well!! Here are a few pics of them waiting for the bus.
Anna is doing GREAT walking in her walker there. I got to go and watch her the other day and I cried I was so happy to see my oldest girl walking!! Here is the video I got of her
(add video)
AND Anna should be getting a power wheelchair soon! We are so excited! I can't wait for her to get it and figure out how to get around in it! She wants to go SO badly. There is a loaner at the school and we should be ordering hers soon!
Anna has also been talking up a storm! She can say pretty much anything you ask her to say and now she is saying things like "I wanna go" and "I wanna go outside" ALL BY HERSELF! No prompting from me! She is also doing really good at feeding herself now and I couldn't be prouder of her!!!
AYVA. Ayva is doing pretty good. We gave her her own "room" in our room the other day. It is much more quiet and we are hoping that it will reduce the amount of seizures she has. Ayva's seizures are now triggered by sound. Well, I think the sound scares her, and that triggers a seizure. Either way a quiet room is better for her. I think she truly loves it because when I put her in her bed for the first time in our room, she instantly fell asleep! She is doing good at school so far and I hope that we can get these seizures under control soon so she can start catching up to her siblings.
Justin is....well Justin. He is so smart and funny and now he is at the stage of pretending. It's so fun to see him want to play doctor or pretend he is a superhero. I love it. He is a great big brother.
Camryn, my little chunky monkey is NINE MONTHS OLD! I can't believe it!!! Last time I updated the blog she was only 5 months! She is a crawling, moving, getting-into-everything ball of energy. Yesterday she even stood by herself and took a step!!! She is a great baby and is always happy (unless she's hungry). Here are a few pics of her "month" photo shoots!!
6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months