Justin and Me at the park.
Justin at the park.
Justin all tuckered out.
Ayva all tuckered out.
Ayva all tuckered out.
Ayva all bright-eyed.
Anna in brother's hat.
Ayva at the park.
Ayva at the park with mommy's sunglasses.
Anna today after the chiropracter....exhausted.
Justin on a bike!!!
Anna "hugging" Justin.
Anna at the park.
Anna: "Anyone up for some Left 4 Dead on X-Box?"
Anna can't get enough of her paci's!!
Anna also loves her toes! Yummy!
Anna at the park w/ mommy's sunglasses.
Ayva at the park with mommy's sunglasses.
Anna today after the chiropracter....exhausted.
Justin on a bike!!!