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Monday, May 4, 2009

Just a glimpse into my life...

So I am sitting here, trying desperately to get Ayva to sleep, I thought I would just give you all a rundown of my day today. Just any other day in a house with a husband and triplets- one of which is on a VERY high dose of ACTH.

3 am: Ayva wakes me up screaming. She wakes Anna up also. I try to calm her down.

330 am: After several attempts to calm her down and keep her in her bed (all the while I try to lay down myself with no luck), I give in and take her in the living room.

4am: Still fussing off and on. It's like her poor little body can get calm, and then be shook up again. I'm not sure if she's in pain or she's just agitated.

445am: Try to move her onto the boppy. She lays there for a little while, calmer, but not asleep.

5 am: I can give her her pain medicine now. I do. I try to lay on the couch with her until it kicks in. She wants me to be constantly rocking her. When I doze off, she cries.

550 am: Put Ayva down to make her a bottle. She screams. I try to hurry. She gulps it. Is still agitated and fussy. I rock her until I hear Anna talking from her room.

610 am: Anna is awake. I put Ayva down and go get her. Make 2 sippies of milk, and then go to fetch Justin. He's still asleep, but I wake him up anyways.

7 am: Draw up 6 syringes of medicine and give 4 to Ayva and 1 to Anna. Leaving the shot for last. Justin (hubby) wakes up. My mom shows up (it's her day off).

745 am: Make oatmeal and a breakfast taquito. Nobody wants to eat. All three munchkins have runny noses.

8 am: Time to give Ayva her shot. It's a terrible feeling. Hoping it's worth it. She cries. Grandma holds her.

830 am: All are dressed now. Time to play. Grandma holds Ayva.

9 am: Time for Justin and Anna to take their morning nap. Nighty-night. Ayva stays up and waits for time to leave for her peditrician appointment.

930 am: Ayva and mommy leave for the peditrician. Ayva is always happier outside. Crying stops for the car ride until I have to take her out of her car seat.

950 am: Check in at pedi. Sit on "Well" side. Other parents stare at very chubby, agitated, and generally not feeling well Ayva.

1010 am: Finally get called back. I undress her- she cries. Weight check- 20 lbs. Temp: 100.1 BP:98/65.

1015: Dr. J comes in. Listens to Ayva's heart/lungs. Asks how things are going- I tell her. She looks at her throat- says it's all red. Has nurse take an influenza swab just to be safe. She tells me to call about it tomorrow. We leave.

11 am: Drive thru Taco Bell. Ayva is calm b/c we are outside.

1120 am: Arrive home. Eat tacos. Ayva swings in her swing and takes a mini nap.

1130 am: I decide that while my mom is here, I should take hubby and my clothes to laundry mat to catch up.

12 pm: Leave kids w/ grandma and head out to laundry mat. Read US weekly magazine while I wait.

2 pm: Get all clothes and head home. Fold/hang up/put away all the clothes. My mom leaves.

3 pm: Hold Ayva while Justin and Anna play around me.

345 pm: Put Ayva down while I make them dinner. She cries. Justin doesn't want to eat- only cry. No one is hungry. They each eat a little, and are done. Justin is still crying. Get everyone pj's and go back into playroom. Change everyone and try to settle Ayva.

5 pm: Feed Ayva a bottle while Anna and Justin hold their own sippies of milk.

545 pm: Try to lay Ayva down in her bed. She is calm and falls asleep.

625 pm: Justin and Anna are tired. Put them to bed. All is quiet.

630 pm: Go outside and feed the dog. Brush her winter coat out. Play fetch for a minute.

645 pm: Justin starts crying. Go in his room and give him Rupert (his monkey).

7 pm: Eat dinner as fast as I can, so I can finish before being interrupted.

730 pm: Ayva wakes up screaming. I go and get her and sit on the couch with her. She calms down. I hold her for a while until she gets fussy again.

815 pm: Feed her another bottle and she is calm again. I try to lay her in her bed. She can't get calm. I try to hold her. I try to put her in her swing. I try to lay her in her boppy. I try to hold her....etc. etc.

1048 pm: I put her in her swing. She is calm for the moment. I will try to go and lay down, but it seems like everytime I walk towards my bedroom door, she cries. She's not asleep. I'm hoping she will be soon.....because I know sometimes it goes on all night like this....


The Blatchford Family said...


I hope that it (ACTH) is all worth it, and it gets rid of the IS for Ayva.

Alisha said...

oh, I hope you have a better day. That must be so hard. :S

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Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i can only imagine how difficult this must be for you, to have to hold everything together every single day. without so much as a chance to breathe. thinking of you + sending hugs + prayers.

monica said...

Hugs and prayers to you. You are a miracle worker, and a wonderful mom.

debi9kids said...

Oh wow. I am so sorry to read all that your sweet daughter is going through.
Will certainly be keeping her (and you) in my prayers.

jcleveland said...

This makes me sleepy just reading it.....