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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy News...

We had another doctor follow-up appointment today and the results of Anna's MRI are good. There is really no reason other than being born premature that she is having the seizures. She will grow out of them (she is already seizure free, but she won't have to take the medicine forever) and she will be able to learn and talk and walk and play- it will just take her a little longer b/c the seizures made all the progress that she had made go away. It will just take time.

As for Ayva, her EEG was better than before but she is still having seizures. The Dr. added another medicine and we are taking her off of one. He has high hopes that this medicine will do the trick for Ayva and she will be seizure free- his guess was 3 weeks or so. We are so excited and can't wait for them both to be healthy, growing and catching up with Justin!

I've got some pictures to show you of us out in the backyard and a funny video of Justin-




Ayva (look at her chunky cheeks! The medicine we are taking her off of makes her cheeks really chunky- it will go away once she isn't taking it anymore)


Also this weekend the babies, my mom and I are going to Branson. A lot of my family lives in Arkansas and they are all going camping somewhere in Branson. We, however, are NOT camping- we will be getting a hotel room. But I am excited to show off my beautiful babies to everyone who has not gotten a chance to see them yet and I am also a little excited about our first road trip! It takes about 4 hours (maybe 4 1/2) to get there and we are finally at a time where the kids don't mind being in the car **coughAyvacough** Anyways- I won't have access to a computer, but I am taking my camera and will tell everyone all about it when we get back. We are leaving early Saturday morning and coming back on Sunday! Wish us luck on an "easy" trip (even though no trip with triplets is ever going to be easy).

1 comment:

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i am so glad to hear such great news! have a wonderful and safe trip!